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WordPress Shift from PHP to JavaScript

WordPress that powers over 40% of the internet, has long been synonymous with PHP. However, recent trends indicate a significant shift within the WordPress ecosystem: a move towards JavaScript.

The Emergence of JavaScript in WordPress

Several key developments highlight this transition:

  1. Introduction of the REST API: The integration of the REST API into WordPress core was a significant step. This API, built using JavaScript, allows developers to interact with WordPress content more dynamically and asynchronously, paving the way for modern web application development.

  2. Gutenberg Editor: Perhaps the most significant indicator of WordPress’ shift towards JavaScript is the Gutenberg editor. This new editor fundamentally changes how content is created and managed in WordPress, leveraging JavaScript to provide a more interactive and intuitive user experience.

  3. Headless CMS Approach: There’s a growing trend towards using WordPress as a headless CMS. WordPress handles content management and serves as a backend, while the frontend is built using JavaScript frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue.js.

Reasons Behind the Shift to JavaScript

  1. Performance and User Experience: JavaScript, particularly with modern frameworks like React, enables the creation of highly responsive and dynamic user interfaces. This shift enhances the user experience, making WordPress websites more interactive and engaging.

  2. Modern Development Practices: The broader web development community has increasingly embraced JavaScript.

  3. Community and Ecosystem Growth: The JavaScript ecosystem, especially React, has a large and active community. This provides WordPress developers with access to a wealth of resources, libraries, and tools, fostering innovation and rapid development.

  4. Future-Proofing: As web technologies evolve, relying solely on PHP could limit WordPress's ability to adapt and integrate with new advancements.

Implications for Developers and Users

The shift towards JavaScript within WordPress brings several implications:

  • For Developers: PHP developers will need to adapt by learning JavaScript and modern frameworks like React.

  • For Users: End users can expect more dynamic and responsive websites, improved user interfaces, and a better overall experience. However, this also means that site maintenance and customisations might require more specialised knowledge.


The move away from PHP towards JavaScript represents a significant evolution for WordPress. As WordPress continues to evolve, embracing JavaScript ensures it remains a powerful and relevant tool for building the websites of the future.

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