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Deploying Your Flutter App

Once your app is ready, the final step is deploying it to different platforms, such as Android and iOS. This section covers creating a release build, preparing your app for the Google Play Store and Apple App Store, and testing for performance.

Steps to Deploy on Android

01. Generate a release key using the following command in the terminal:

keytool -genkey -v -keystore ~/release-key.jks -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 -alias release

02. Add the release key details to the build.gradle file.

03. Run the following command to build the APK:

flutter build apk --release

Steps to Deploy on iOS

01. Register an Apple Developer Account.

02. Use Xcode to set up signing and provisioning profiles.

03. Build the app using the following command:

flutter build ios --release

Performance Optimisation

- Use release mode: Always test and deploy your app in release mode for better performance.
- Optimize images and assets: Ensure all images are compressed and optimized for mobile use.
- Minimize package size: Remove unused packages and code to reduce your app size.

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